Giuditta Mingucci
Born in Rimini in 1975, she graduated with honour in Classical Literature from the University of Bologna. Her training as an actress began in the Compagnia degli Scalpellini theatre laboratories. She has worked professionally since 1997 and in 2000 she joined Elsinor Teatro Stabile di Innovazione as a permanent member of the company. Her playwriting activity began on the stage, as part of her work of actress. In 2007 she wrote in collaboration with F. Palmieri Christmas Cards, a Children’s Theatre play she plays in, and in 2008, Memorie di Anita. During the course of her work facilitating theatre labs and training courses she has written and developed several plays (a.o. Odissey after Homer; In the time / What, Are You Scared? after Shakespeare and Jan Kott; The Paul Street boys after the novel by F. Molnar).