Artistic Discoveries in European Schoolyards

Inga Vares

I was born on 28th November 1968 in Viljandi, Estonia. Having spent my childhood and school days in small town Karksi-Nuia, I left 1986 for Tallinn, where I worked in Film Studio Tallinnfilm, traveled on the „1/6th of earth“ Soviet Union, studied at the 2.Technical School of Tallinn and graduated 1990 as a photographer.
I spend a year 1991 on tiny island Manija as only teacher of the school with 3 pupils and worked 1992-1993 in Helsinki/Finland as au pair and studied visual art at evening classes.
1994-1998 I studied scenography at the Estonian Academy of Arts. My graduation performances were „Skydivers“ with contemporary dance company BoxRM in Tallinn and „Again and Again and Again“ (devised production by W.Shakespeare complete works) with director Rolf Heim at the School of Stage Arts in Vordingborg/Denmark.
During last 10 years I´ve worked as freelance scenographer with dance, drama and opera productions; I´ve designed costumes for film productions; studios for TV programs and different events. My closest creative collaborators are choreographer Mari Mägi / Insightout Company (Denmark/Estonia) with physical/visual dance theatre projects and director Aare Toikka / VAT Theatre with theatre productions for young audiences.
2006-2008 I did master studies with research theme „Performance and installation art in process of devising theatre“ at the Drama School of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Since 2008 I´ve been occupied as a lecturer at the Scenography Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts.

