Education and Engagement
The Education and Engagement program for Platform 11+ is wide ranging and hopes to embrace- Research and development of practice with the target age group 11-15 , both stimulating plays by professional writers for performance and in the encouragement of the creation of work by the young people themselves.
- Structure a teacher training/development program to run alongside the project in schools
- Opportunities and program for the educators to develop and share practice
- Work with the Universities on the research and evaluation of the project
- Additional Youth Exchange work with 16+
Work in Schools
The Educators will each be given a toolkit for the project consisting of a Camera/Digital Recorder and the appropriate Computer Software (Comic Strip) for the school/class to engage with the work.In addition to the work each company chooses to do with their writer and educator and artists in school for the research and development phase of the commission there will be a parallel program to facilitate the young people’s own creative work.
The Class can work therefore on creating both individual and class storyboards, animations, photo stories which can then be posted onto the Platform 11+ website.
Again the starting point can be a photograph of each group’s playground/schoolyard or a view of their street.
The website and other platforms should be used
- Creatively to develop storytelling and expressive skills - including writing, visual arts, music etc
- As a way of connecting the schools across the countries
- To work co-operatively across borders – eg one school posts up the first part of a story using the software, 2 weeks later school 2 posts up a follow up (next part of the story) a further 2 weeks and school 3 does the same etc …..